¿Cómo programar en Grimport?

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Launch Options


In Grimport, it is possible to run a script with different options. You just have to press in the upper left corner of Grimport Script Editor.

We will see the main options of the launcher:

  • fiddlerProxy:
    fiddlerProxy allow Fiddler Classic to intercept all HTTP/HTTPS traffic between Grimport Crawler and the Internet network
  • nodisplay:
    No graphical display, only the console (important with CRON for servers without graphical interface)
  • id=1;5;8:
    IDs of script to execute
  • displayCommands:
    Show all commands sent
  • displayURLcrawled:
    Show URLs during crawling
For the other options, just hover over the button with your mouse and a description will be displayed.


Once you have chosen the launcher options, click on Save, you can then click on any of the script launch buttons or , and the chosen options will be applied when the script is launched.

You can find the list of launchers you have used by clicking on this button :

It is also possible to schedule a recurring task by pressing "Schedule".

For example, if you want your script to run on Mondays at 1:05 pm every two months, you need to press "Schedule" next to the script you want to schedule and then fill in the page as below:








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