getPage ( string url , boolean _ignoreContentType , proxy _proxy , map[string:string] _httpHeaders , boolean _completeReturn ) : string
Return the source code of a page with the GET method.
_ignoreContentType (optional)
default:false. It will not parse the file considering it is an HTML content.
In rare case this function can bug an generate an Out of Memory error (the page is in reality a PDF for example). In this case, set this option to true, is will use a lighter method.
In rare case this function can bug an generate an Out of Memory error (the page is in reality a PDF for example). In this case, set this option to true, is will use a lighter method.
_proxy (optional)
Useful in multi-thread context to directly indicate a proxy. You can have this proxy using "return_proxy" option in changeProxy.
_httpHeaders (optional)
HTTP Headers to force. Use that in multi-thread context. Else use just httpHeader before, it is simpler!
_completeReturn (optional)
Default: false. If false, it returns de HTML code of the response. if true, it returns an array with additional information at this format: ["html":"HTML code of the page", "httpCode":200, "urlPage":"", "arrivalUrl":""]